Lentiviral vectors provide potent vehicles for delivery of genes into a wide range of cell types including difficult-to-transfect cells. Lentiviral particles transduce cells and integrate into the host genome in dividing and post-mitotic cells resulting in long-term expression of the transgene both in vivo and in vitro. Producing, concentrating and titrating lentiviral particles, however, is time consuming and requires some experience to achieve high titers and consistent results. So, we provide efficient scientific expertise for reliable production of viral particles.
Lentifect™ purified lentivirus are available as both pre-made and custom-made. High titer lentivirus are produced from standardized protocols using high-purity plasmid DNA preparations and EndoFectin™ Lenti transfection and TiterBoost™ reagents. The high quality reagents and our scientific expertise ensure production of the highest-titers possible of purified particles.
Ready-for-transduction, Lentifect™ lentivirus provides the following advantages:
- A cost-effective choice for busy labs
- A reliable lentiviral source for consistent quality from lot to lot
- Efficient transduction of difficult-to-transfect cells or animal models

Figure 1. H1299 cells (ATCC) in 24-well plates were transduced with the indicated amounts of eGFP purified particles, catalog number LPP-EGFP-LV105 in the presence of 5 µg/ml of polybrene. The expression of eGFP was checked with a fluorescence microscope 72 hours post-transduction.
LabOmics also provides with a collection of lentiviral vectors expressing ORFs, miRNA precursors, miRNA inhibitors, shRNAs, promoter reporter systems and CRISPRs.
We also provide with lentiviral packaging kits and lentiviral titration kits, allowing for producing lentiviral particles in your own lab and titrate them.
Lenti-Pac™ HIV qRT-PCR Titration Kit (20 RT reactions, 50 PCR reactions)440,00 €Lenti-Pac™ HIV qRT-PCR Titration Kit (20 RT reactions, 50 PCR reactions) Learn More
Lenti-Pac™ HIV qRT-PCR Titration Kit (40 RT reactions, 100 PCR reactions)596,00 €Lenti-Pac™ HIV qRT-PCR Titration Kit (40 RT reactions, 100 PCR reactions) Learn More
Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (6 tests)155,00 €Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard - 6 tests Learn More
Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit (20 reactions)712,00 €Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit (20 reactions) Learn More
Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (10 tests)210,00 €Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard - 10 tests Learn More
Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit (40 reactions)1 128,00 €Lenti-Pac™ HIV Expression Packaging Kit (40 reactions) Learn More
Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (20 tests)350,00 €Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard - 20 tests Learn More
Lenti-Pac 293Ta Cell Line (1.5 x 10^6 cells)400,00 €293Ta Lentiviral packaging cell line Learn More
Lentivirus Titration XpressCard (50 tests)750,00 €Rapid Lentivirus Titration XpressCard - 50 tests Learn More
Lenti-Pac™ Lentivirus Concentration Solution (50 ml)236,00 €Lenti-Pac™ Lentivirus Concentration Solution (50 ml) Learn More