AccuTarget siRNAs

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Bioneer siRNAs
0,00 €
AccuTarget siRNAs
RNA interference lead to the development of very efficient tools for gene silencing. The use of synthetic, small interfering RNA (siRNA) of typically 19-23 bases targeting specific genes of interest allows for the identification of gene function and the elucidation of complex pathways.

Successful siRNA experiments in mammalian cultured cells depend on several factors. Identification of specific and effective siRNA sites and efficient and specific siRNA delivery are the most important parameters. In collaboration with the National Genome Information Center (NGIC), Bioneer developed TurbosiRNA designer, an exclusive tool that can identify highly effective siRNA target sites with superior success rates. Turbo si-designer was evaluated by designing hundreds of siRNAs and testing their knockdown effect by Real-Time PCR analysis. When compared with other web-based design tools, Turbo si-Designer algorithm successfully predicted functional siRNAs at high probability of efficient knockdown. Notably, the low score siRNAs were mostly nonfunctional, indicating that ineffective siRNAs are efficiently removed by Turbo si-Designer.

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