Interferon Gamma (IFNG) Mouse anti-Human Monoclonal (Biotin) (4S.B3) Antibody

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Interferon Gamma (IFNG) Mouse anti-Human Monoclonal (Biotin) (4S.B3) Antibody ELISA LOM-C106698-500
Catalog ID:LOM-C106698-500
Target / Antigen:Interferon Gamma (IFNG) Mouse anti-Human Monoclonal (Biotin) (4S.B3) Antibody
Synonyms:IFNG, interferon gamma
Family / Subfamily:Interferon
Antigen Species:Human
Antibody species / Host:Mouse
Clonality (Clone name):Monoclonal (clone: 4S.B3)
Isotype IgG1,k
Immunogen: / Human IFNg
Purification:Affinity Purified
Presentation:PBS, pH 7.2, 150 mM sodium chloride, 0.09% sodium azide
Recommended Storage:Store at 4°C. Do not freeze.
Antibody modification / label:Biotin
Suggested uses:ELISA (Optimal dilution to be determined by the researcher)
Size:500 µg
Price:€410 /£349
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